How to fall in love with your work (again)

work passion

Well, we all have experienced it in some or other way; the Sunday evening frustration, just before starting the next working week. Where all the positive energy boost has disappeared? Will I ever again look forward to Monday morning? Here is my check list to regain the lost passion.

Do I set my work priorities right?

Try to work more on goals than on separate tasks. Tasks are only the elements on the road-map to goals. Tasks can be re-prioritized modified or even avoided. Prioritize tasks which are helping with your progress on the road map before tasks which are just “easy to be done”. Do not hesitate to ask for help. Do not let e-mails take over your working day. If you need to focus, it is absolutely OK to log off from your e-mail system for few hours to get the job done. The work satisfaction is not coming from fulfilling tasks but from achieving goals.

Do I work with the right people?

It does not matter if they are your managers, subordinates or peers; connect only with right and competent people. Spend some time to understand who are the key players in the organisation and who the people with extraordinary competencies. Do not forget to behave equally competenet when they ask for your cooperation. You will create an efficient network to get the things done. It must be a professional bond built on mutual respect. Avoid chatters and energy-drainers.

Do I develop my strengths?

Try to avoid doing tasks on repetitive basis. There is always a better way to do it. Why not to try to simplify it, automatize, or best by re-engineering the whole process to eliminate it. I know it is not that easy, but what I am trying to tell here is the attitude to convert the annoying routine into something more exciting. See problems as opportunity to apply new approach to solve them. Invest time to obtain new skills if needed, because as always the most effective way of learning is “on job learning”

Do I pay forward?

With years we accumulate professional experience, knowledge and few of us even some wisdom. Never hesitate to share it. All the time there are freshers and graduates joining the company. Do not let them to go through the painful starting phase alone, because “I had also to learn it all just by myself too”. Be careful to build your role as a mentor, and not to become an annoying “know it all”. Also you will be surprised how much knowledge you can get back from them in exchange.
If you will try to restrict the amount of knowledge you share with your colleagues, to gain some advantage, you are a bad person which can never become happy.

Do I live?

Take the time to care about your family. Do not lose your friends. Follow your hobbies and do not give up on your dreams (how crazy they may be).

We work to live, not contrary. All good companies respect this. However the “work/life” balance cannot be managed by your company on your behalf. This is something you have to do.

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